The questionnaire supplied the quantitative basic-data for
testimonies made in the 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th chapters.
The personality profile is a part of the quantitative
evaluation. The basic-data are depicted in the form of
graphs, and interpreted in an accompanying text, so to
their context.
Taped interview:
The spoken interviews formed the basis for the qualitative
evaluation, made in Chapter 5. Single passages from these
interviews also appear in Chapter 4, to illustrate more
clearly the subject matter in that chapter.
Method of procedure:
Examples taken from the taped interviews and
questionnaires, are incorporated into individual chapters
and are used as illustrations. For reasons of anonymity,
any testimonies are given as only coming from a certain
subgroup; therefore the number before the stroke (or
'dash') indicates the sub-group involved [1=parents, 2=ex-
meditators, 3=married partners.]
The number after the stroke indicates the variable, for
example 1/67 means an instance from the group of parents,
part of the entire group of 67. Examples which are
followed by two numbers with the stroke between are taken
from the completed questionnaire; testimonies after which
there is only one number, (no stroke, no other number),
are sequences from taped interviews.
For the sake of a streamlining of terminology the
following terms were introduced: The term meditator means
all those practicing Transcendental Meditation in this report. This
is occasionally divided into ordinary meditators and
insiders, for reasons of comparison. Ordinary meditators
are those meditators who have not attended further courses
in extra techniques, or applied for extra techniques.
Insiders are those much more deeply involved in the T.M.
organization, i.e. Sidhas, Checkers, T.M. teachers, and
The terms parents, ex-meditators, and married partners
will mean the individual groups as already defined; the
group of ex-meditators will however also include people
who, though still meditating at the time of the
interviews, had nevertheless severed all links with the
T.M. organization.
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